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NPR Tiny Desk Contest 2019 submission- Umanh Loops -Fly away-

16:49:00 Pro EBR 0 Comments

Music and lyrics by Umanh Loops (Sarita Cobos)
recorded and performed live at home using Boss RC505 loopstation, JDXi Roland synth, Flautin sopranino, guiro, 
for the NPR 2019 Tiny Desk Contest. thanks for watching and listening ! :-)

All I want to say
is the sky is blue today
and at night I see the stars
I can stay and watch for hours

all I want to say is that we are all the same
We all came from the same star
that gave life to you and I 

and oooh oooh
Let's fly away, let's fly away
oooh oooh 
just for one day, and we will play

Todo puede ser 
cuando sueñas lo que ves 
en tu mente y en tus sueños 
todo puede suceder

all I want to say is that we are all the same
We all came from the same star
that gave life to you and I 

and oooh oooh
Let's fly away, let's fly away
oooh oooh 
and we will play, and we will play

Tambien te puede gustar . . .

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